Health Effects of Lead in Adults

With over 34 million homes across America coated with lead-based paint, many adults are at risk for lead poisoning.  In most cases adults are poisoned when lead is released from paint or varnishes that they are working on.  Sometimes this happens when a homeowner decides to renovate on their own.  Other times and in most cases the poisoning occurs while on the job.  Over the Reasons to hire lead-safe!last several years enforcement of the EPA/HUD guidelines have helped improve workplace exposure to lead dust.  The Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA) enforcement program encourages citizen reporting of contractors who work without EPA Firm Certification!  However, there are still way to many firms that aren’t certified who are exposing their employees, employees families, and customers.  Lead-based paint is a problem that isn’t going away anytime soon.

So what are the effects of lead in Adults?  Adults usually are poisoned by breathing in the dust that contains lead.  That lead then travels into the lungs and the stomach where it enters the bloodstream.  Symptoms of lead poisoning in adults include:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fertility Problems
  • Digestive Problems
  • Nerve Disorders
  • Sexual Disorders
  • Memory and Concentration Problems
  • Muscle Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Irritability

Often times the symptoms of lead poisoning are misdiagnosed as symptoms of other ailments.  It is important to let your doctors know about your work history.  If you have worked as lead abatement or renovation worker it is an excellent idea to schedule a blood lead level test.  If you are poisoned, removing the lead from your body as soon as possible is important to avoid further long term damage.  Recent research indicates that even tiny amounts of lead that enter your system can have significant long term consequences.

We offer Lead Renovator Initial and Refresher training in 10 states and can travel to your location in most cases.  If you have a question about lead-based paint, an upcoming renovation, or any safety topic please call us by dialing 877-209-9648 or email