Safety Programs Keep Employees Safe and Insurance Premiums Low

The safety and well-being of employees needs to be the first priority of construction companies. However, in addition to keeping employees safe from danger, there are other reasons a quality safety program needs to be put in place.

One of these reasons is that a company’s commitment to safety can have a significant impact on that company’s insurance premiums. Insurance industry experts will tell you that companies with a commitment to safety enjoy far lower insurance premiums than those that are not committed to safety in the workplace.

If your insurance premiums are going to rise, it is usually because of a problem in one of the following categories. These categories include employees, third-party liability, and property or asset losses. If you want to improve on your existing safety program or want to put one in place, either of these things will drastically save you money in the long wrong when it comes to insurance premiums.

So how can you make sure your workplace is as safe as possible? Consider the following:

1. Safety starts at the top. If safety is not a priority for management, it is impossible to cultivate a culture of safety. Further, if management talks the safety talk, but doesn’t walk the walk, this will not be lost on employees. Therefore, it is important to make sure that management is firmly committed to safety and that all members of management have a united front and send a strong and unified message regarding safety.

2. Safety doesn’t stop at the top. Even if management is on board, if employees at all levels are not involved in a culture of safety, it will be hard for any safety program to be successful. To involve all employees, make sure that employees lead safety efforts when possible. When employees take ownership of safety, the result is a safer workplace. Further, it is important that employees who are committed to safety are rewarded, and, unfortunately, those who ignore safety issues are disciplined or even terminated.

3. Safety needs to always be a priority. Regular safety inspections need to be conducted in order to ensure that any hazards or problems that arise are quickly addressed. Unfortunately, when it comes safety, new issues always come up and you can never check safety off of your to-do list.

Finally, in order to keep your premiums low, always document your hard work when it comes to keeping your workplace safe. Written policies, rules and regulations are a great way to communicate with employees and can be used to protect yourself if any claims against your company are filed.