Author: ProActiveSafety
Bloodborne Pathogens
Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted to anybody and have deadly consequences. What is a bloodborne pathogen? It is something that can cause disease and this pathogen lives in the blood of somebody that has been infected. There are many experts in healthcare that understand how bloodborne pathogens work and how they are transmitted from person…
July 2019 Free Safety Meetings
This month we have prepared safety meetings on the following topics: Bloodborne Pathogens Carbon Monoxide Safety Ladder Safety Lead Safety Respirator Safety If you have questions or need to get registered please email SALES@PASAFETY.COM or dial 877-209-9648. Click here to download the July 2019 Free Safety Meetings! Since 2009 we have provided expert safety consulting,…
Congratulations Blue’s Fans
Extremely pumped that the Blues are about to win the cup. We have been training in St. Louis for almost 5 years now. Some of my favorite classes of all time have happened in St. Louis. I travel all across this great country. I am a giant homer for the Reds and the Bengals. However,…
Amputation is the loss of a body part resulting from accidents or injuries. Amputations can happen at almost any worksite. Construction, industrial, manufacturing, and transportation worksites are at a higher risk. Is your facility or project at risk for Amputations? Amputations are among the most serious injuries at a workplace. OSHA requires that amputations are…
June 2019 Free Safety Meetings
June 2019 Free Safety Meetings For our June 2019 Free Safety Meetings we have prepared free safety meetings on the following topics: Amputations Asphalt Fumes Carbon Monoxide Fatigue on the Job The Importance of Arc Flash Safety Download the June 2019 Free Safety Meetings by clicking here! Since 2009 we have provided expert safety consulting,…
Frequent Rough Terrain Forklift Accidents
Frequent Rough Terrain Forklift Accidents Rough Terrain Forklifts (RTF) are designed to handle heavy loads on challenging terrain. Thorough and proper training is required for any RTF operator before they set foot onto this heavy-duty truck. Most RTF accidents that occur are due to operator error. The top 3 most frequent RTF accidents are: Rollover…
Frequent Skid Steer Accidents
Frequent Skid Steer Accidents OSHA Case: An employee at a tractor implement dealership was cleaning debris from a wash bay using a skid-steer loader. This particular skid-steer loader was equipped with a manual seat bar as well as a pressure switch in the seat to detect the presence of an operator. The operator was able…
2018 Most Frequent OSHA Citations
2018 Most Frequent OSHA Citations At the October 2018 National Safety Council Congress & Expo, it was announced by Patrick Kapust, OSHA’s Deputy Director of Enforcement Programs, that they had released the 2018 Most Cited OSHA Violations. Listed below are the top 10 violations and their corresponding number of citations for 2018. Fall Protection –…
CPR Can Save a Life
CPR Can Save a Life It is reported that 90% of people who experience cardiac arrest, will die before making it to the hospital. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) administered in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest can increase chances of survival by two to three times! According to CPR Headquarters, in addition to cardiac arrest,…