This Budget Season Remember to Budget for Safety!

It is hard to believe that it is almost October. This time of year most businesses are working on their projections and budgets for next year. It is critical to budget for safety to maintain compliance. Remember, there are several items that…

Free September 2018 Safety Meetings

Every month we publish free safety meetings for you to use during your weekly safety meetings. Instructions on how to conduct the meeting are included. Why do you need to conduct safety meetings? Although we conduct routing training courses.…

Supervisor Safety Inspections

Supervisor Safety Inspections help prevent accidents and injuries! Since 2009 we have conducted thousands of safety inspections, on all type of facilities and projects. Each site is different, consistently the facilities and projects that…

Basic Respiratory Protection

Basic Respiratory Protection procedures will help extend and maybe save your life! Whether we are working in factory, manufacturing facility, paving project, commercial construction project, or an old house. We will encounter items that require…

Annual GHS and Hazard Communication Training

Annual GHS and Hazard Communication Training is required and critical to the safety of your workforce! Every year, every employee needs to be trained on your GHS and Hazard Communication procedures. This can sometimes prove to be a difficult…

Daily Stretch and Flex

Implementing a daily stretch and flex is crucial to avoiding injuries! Daily physical work can take a toll on your body. Constantly going up and down a ladder, carrying lengths of pipe, digging a ditch, operating a press, or simply dealing…