Lead Renovator Frequently Asked Questions

Lead Renovator Frequently Asked Questions Throughout the year, we are asked several questions while we teach the EPA Certified Lead Renovator Initial and Refresher training.  We thought it would make sense to start a list of the questions…

EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule Individual Certification

EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule Individual Certification EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule Individual Certification is required for any contractor working in target housing or child-occupied facilities.  Target housing is…

Renovation Repair and Painting Final Rule

Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule (RRP Rule) The Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule (RRP Rule) addresses activities that disturb lead-based paint in target housing and child-occupied facilities. Target housing is defined…

RRP Rule - Firm Certification

RRP Rule - Firm Certification The Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule (RRP Rule) requires that all covered renovations be performed by certified firms using certified renovators and other trained workers. Certification is active for…

Exterior Cleanup Requirements

Exterior Cleanup Requirements Exterior Cleanup Requirements are extremely important.  Lead contaminated soil can poison those exposed, making exterior cleanup equally as important as interior cleanup. If work takes place on an exterior porch…

RRP Waste Disposal

RRP Waste Disposal RRP Waste Disposal is very straightforward and simple.  The key to successfully controlling the waste is having a solid plan on what to do with it.  Before the job begins the Certified Renovator in charge of the project…

EPA and HUD Prohibited Practices

Airborne Leaded Dust: Prohibited Practices EPA RRP Rule Prohibited Practices The EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule does not specifically address what measures must be taken to reduce the amount of dust generated on the job. Rather,…

How Widespread is Lead-Based Paint in Housing?

How Widespread is Lead-Based Paint in Housing? According to a 2011 statistic from the EPA, the older the year of construction, the higher the chances of lead-based paint being present. Construction Year Percentage of Houses with Lead-Based…

How to Determine if Lead-Based Paint is Present

Knowing how to determine if lead-based paint is present should be a staple for any renovation supervisor. Understanding the toxic effects of lead based paint is critical for anyone associated with renovations in old houses.  With lead being…