The Importance of Asbestos Awareness

The use of asbestos was banned in 1977, and it had a very broad range of applications. Because of this asbestos can be found in many materials that are from that time period. The reason this should be of a concern is that asbestos can be threatening…

Silica Poisoning

Silica can be found in common construction materials, such as cement and quartz. Most minerals contain silica and Silica Dangerous Materials when these minerals are chipped, drilled, or cut into, this creates respirable silica dust. Silica poisoning…

Employee Safety: Young Workers In The Workplace

Did you know in 2010 110,000 young workers were injured and 328 were killed in the workplace? Most of these injuries and deaths were preventable and could have been stopped through proper training and knowledge of safe work practices. Young…

Wellness Programs

Can you answer these questions about your companies wellness program? Does your company have wellness initiatives in place? Are wellness programs or incentives offered through your companies health insurance provider? Are wellness programs…

Welding Safety

Welding is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the construction industry. Each year, more than 500,000 construction workers are injured in welding accidents. These accidents can cause severe burns and death. Here's some important information…

Warehouse Safety

Over 145,000 people work in the over 7,000 warehouses. Of these people the fatal injury rate for the warehousing industry is much higher than the national average of all industries. Here's additional important information about warehouse safety. The…

Temporary Workers and Safety

According to David Michaels, Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA, “Host employers need to treat temporary workers as they treat existing employees. Temporary staffing agencies and host employers share control over the employee, and are therefore…

Stress Management at Work

Many of us are faced with stress everyday, but we might not know how to deal with it. It is important to learn how to handle stress because it can affect our performance and relationships in our work and home. At work, stress can lead to distraction…

Stepladder Safety

Workers who use stepladders in construction face many risks including permanent injury, death, or electrocution. OSHA’s requirements for stepladders are outlined in Subpart X—Stairways and Ladders in the OSHA standards. Hazards can be reduced…